pill® AX

It's time to benefit (from now on) from having the best Alumnx Experience (AX) on the market.
The pill® AX of Pitaya strategically addresses the definition and implementation of a model of your institution's student experience, from the first interaction, through enrollment, their formative process and the relationship during the Alumni period.

Inspired by the model of benchmark institutions such as Columbia University, Harvard Business School o Stanfordthe return on investment of AX's pill® directly translates into an increase of the Pitaya increased student satisfaction, increased referral, loyalty and upselling rates and, with an increase in the recognition, prestige and relevance of the educational center in the environment and sector.

How do we work?

The pill® AX Pitaya follows three phases to success:
We conducted an assessment of the current situation and defined the key parameters. From the Alumnx Journey, to the definition of key elements that the AX of your institution must contain, as well as Channels, Key Messages, Dynamization and relationship with the community and connections, among other relevant factors.
We prepare an implementation plan that contemplates all actions and processes to be implemented, prioritized, strategically and assigned to current and potential resources.
We lead the implementation, either through internal team support or in house.

Why the pill® AX power of your institution?


Through a unique AX adapted to your values and strategic priorities, the AX works on positioning itself as a leader of the institution, strengthening links with students but also with the public involved (staff, teachers, program directors).


AX cooperates with all areas of the institution: marketing, sales, finance, teaching in a way that offers the opportunity to optimize processes in a transversal and coordinated manner.


Increasing the quality and experience of students is the main lever of loyalty, recommendation, reputation and increased connection with the specialty sector and the environment.

If it is time to grow, it is time to pill® AX. Ask us without obligation what we can do for you.

They trust us

And we in them