This is Pitaya

And this is what our manifest says

We improve the world: we support, we inspire and we are on the move.

We open possibilities, options and windows.

We are healthy: for customers, teams, partners and interacting entities.

We deliver ideas, freshness and strategic vision from intelligence and knowledge.

We deliver balance, sustainability and prosperity.

We want to change the world: starting with capital and continuing with people, those who decide about capital.

We are sustainable: balance and equilibrium.

Strategic vision: always expanding .

Who are we?

We create packaged enhancement products that respond to the specific needs of companies, both from the company to the outside and from the company to the inside.

Connection with business ecosystem and trends

Since the beginning we have worked with more than 200 companies from various sectors. As part of our work, we meet with CEOs on a daily basis, where we share ideas, build relationships and, above all, where we make sure we are close to the latest market trends. We attend 95% of industry trade shows. We are in contact with the most innovative business publications. We provide training at universities and business schools. And we put all this at the service of the solutions we offer yo our clients.


Pitaya was founded in 2014 by Verónica Ferrer Moregó and Gerard López Escofet as the first business booster in the world. Its purpose, from the beginning, has been to boost businesses, but with a clear vision: to generate a sustainable global economic ecosystem through regenerative business models.

Boosting business

Business booster

We are a business booster that does not understand business development in any other way than adhering to the Triple Bottom Line:

Generating profits

Respecting people

Boosting the well-being of the environment

Letter from our CEO

Gerard López Escofet

CEO and Partner of Pitaya

Pitaya is the world's first business enhancer. We provide companies with strategic consulting strategic consulting products that bring order, freshness, balance and, above all, results to their balance sheets.

Aportamos valor en dos prioridades estratégicas de las compañías: más facturación (crecer exponencialmente) y las personas (equipos motivados y de alto rendimiento).

I propose you to spend two minutes thinking about where you want to imagine the company next year, at this same time.

Are you thinking about more turnover, gaining more customers, improving the company's results? Maybe you are thinking about regenerating the Sales Department, or maybe it is time to benefit (from now on) from a marketing management.

Your priority right now, however, may be to have a team that is up to the company's standards. Remember that, with the right talent properly motivated, there is no target - or objective - that can resist.

In any case, we are here to help you to enhance what you need.

What do you want to boost?


Gerard López Escofet
CEO and Partner of Pitaya

Algunos de nuestros clientes

Can we help you?

Contact us and we will be in touch as soon as possible. We'd love to talk to you.